Editor Perspectives – Thursday 17th May 2018

Reading Time: 2 minutes


The editorial in today’s The Times takes the cue from the newspapers frontpage article and calls for the setting up of a “robust safety net” to protect police officers and their families from the dangers of duty. The editorial <<Tribute to loyal police officers>> argues that men and women in the police force are frequent victims of violence and they deserve concrete action and special legislation to safeguard them in their daily confrontation with crime and offence.

L-Orizzont, too, devotes the editorial to the hit-and-run incident in Luqa and says that the country as a whole needs to send a strong message <<Ħtieġa li nibgħatu messaġġ ċar>>. The editors argue that that there is a general laxity in discipline and respect for authority in our society and say that repeated statements against the police force in recent months did not help. An unequivocal signal by the Courts in this case is needed, says the editorial.

The Malta Business Weekly focuses on the growth strategy of the International Malta Airport after the AGM held last week. The editorial <<More than landside improvements>> commends the positive results achieved by landside developments and the newly announced investments. However, it argues that the main potential lies in the transforming the airport into one “geared to transit passengers.” The editorial says that, meanwhile, the temporary relocation of the ITS from Pembroke to the former Air Malta offices in Luqa will delay the development strategy.

The Malta Independent leader, <<Concrete jungle>> criticizes the “politically-motivated environmental rot” of successive administrations that gives rise to controversial development projects. The editorial follows the protest organised by Pembroke residents against the mega development on the former site of ITS and says that our country must adopt a different perspective to space use, given its limited land. As the smallest, most-densely populated, and most built-up country, says the editorial, Malta needs unique solutions.

The editors of In-Nazzjon focus on the government’s lack of strategy in traffic management in an editorial titled <<Gvern bla pjan ħlief għat-tixħim>>. The column gives examples of concrete action taken by other countries in reducing congestion problems and emission levels, such as investment in public means and incentives for alternative engines. The editorial contrasts this with policies in Malta to increase fuel stations and a poor public transport service costing the taxpayer €30 million a year.

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