Australia bans non-citizens and non-residents from entering into country

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the enhanced border measures in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

It applies to all non-citizens and non-residents.

Australians will still be able to return from overseas but they will be required to self-isolate for 14 days.

The Government had previously banned foreign nationals from coming to Australia from China, Iran, Italy and South Korea.

New Zealand had already announced plans to close its borders to foreign nationals from midnight tonight.

The Prime Minister said the earlier travel bans had already reduced travel to Australia to one-third of normal levels.

But he said it was crucial to go further in a bid to slow the spread of COVID-19.

“About 80 per cent of the cases we have in Australia are either the results of someone who has contracted the virus overseas or someone who has had direct contact with someone who has returned from overseas,” Mr Morrison said.

“So, the overwhelming proportion of [coronavirus] cases in Australia have been imported.

“Measures we have put in place have obviously put an impact on that and this is a further measure now that can be further enhanced.”

The travel ban came after Qantas and Virgin announced major cuts to flights and staff, both domestic and internationally.

Read more via ABC News

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