Gal Gadot, Natalie Portman and Amy Adams in star-studded ‘Imagine’ cover

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Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot took to Instagram on the sixth day of her self-imposed quarantine, for a star-studded sing-along to John Lennon’s Imagine.

Gadot enlisted fellow superheroes Natalie Portman (Thor) and Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) for the cover, with more than 20 others each singing a line of the song.

Will Ferrell, Amy Adams, Kristen Wiig, Sia and Cara Delevingne also took part.

The star said she had chosen the song for its “powerful and pure” message of unity during the coronavirus pandemic.

The actress said she had been inspired by a clip of an Italian man playing the song on his trumpet on his balcony to his neighbours.

She has previously encouraged fans to stay indoors during the outbreak, saying “staying at home is my super power – and yours”.

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