In Italy, two Malian refugees shot with compressed-air pistols by three Italians who shouted “Salvini, Salvini”

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Two non-EU citizens have been injured, albeit not seriously, in Caserta when three young Italian men shot them with a compressed-air pistol while shouting “Salvini, Salvini”. According to the story reported on Corriere.It the two Malian youths are refugees.

TgCom reports that the event dates back to 11 June but was denounced only today by the Social Center Ex Canapificio, an association that manages the Sprar project together with the Rut Community of the Ursuline Sisters and Caritas. According to the complaint, the two immigrants while returning home at 2200h, once at the intersection of Viale Lincoln and Via Salvatore Commaia, were approached by a black Fiat Panda, on board which there were three young Italians who, brandishing a compressed air pistol with the cry ‘Salvini, Salvini!’,  fired two pistol shots at close range, one of which hit the chest Daby, injuring him (two days of prognosis) and another, shot at Sekou, was empty “.



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