Lithuania votes in presidential election 2nd round

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Lithuanians headed to the polls on Sunday for the decisive second round of the presidential election, as incumbent president Gitanas Nausėda vied for another five-year term against prime minister Ingrida Šimonytė. Nausėda, a 60-year-old moderate conservative and a staunch supporter of Ukraine, has held office since 2019 and is viewed as the frontrunner in the race.

With polling stations opening at 7 a.m. and early voters in Vilnius turning up even before the official start, nearly 2 million citizens were eligible to cast their votes in this eighth presidential election since Lithuania’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The voting process continued until 8 p.m., and the results are anticipated to be unveiled on Monday by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC).

Following their failure to secure a majority in the first round on May 12, both Nausėda and Šimonytė, who are vocal critics of Russia and Belarus, entered the runoff. Nausėda led with 44% of the votes in the initial round, while Šimonytė garnered nearly 20%. Notably, this runoff echoes the 2019 election, where Nausėda clinched victory over Šimonytė with 66% of the votes.

The election takes place against a backdrop of heightened tensions in the Baltic region.

Recent reports have suggested that Russia may seek to revise its territorial waters’ borders in the Baltic Sea. This has led Lithuania’s foreign minister to call for a “firm response” to what he has described as an “obvious escalation.”

Concerns about Russian sabotage are on the rise, particularly as details emerge about mysterious attacks on Lithuanian and Polish facilities.

While the Lithuanian law enforcement remains reticent about the specifics, former officials have warned that such incidents could increase as part of Russia’s broader strategy in its conflict with Ukraine.

Earlier this month, a fire at an IKEA store in Vilnius, initially suspected as arson, was later confirmed to be sabotage.

Meanwhile, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has alleged that a series of arson attacks in both Poland and Lithuania were orchestrated by Russia.

As a NATO member, Lithuania’s strategic role on the alliance’s eastern flank makes the presidential role particularly significant, given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Both candidates have maintained strong stances against Moscow’s aggression, aligning with the country’s foreign policy priorities.

As Lithuanians await the results, the election’s outcome will be closely watched, given the broader geopolitical implications for the region.

Photo CC-BY-4.0: © European Union 2023– Source: EP

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