Maltese Editors’ Viewpoints

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Times of Malta says that Malta must adopt any means, possibly even more drastic than our neighbours, to ensure that the very limited capacity we have to deal with this crisis is not swamped overnight. We cannot stop the infection but we can delay it. The Editor argues that a more gradual curve of increase in infections and critical cases, permitting our health services to cope and adapt may still be within our grasp if everyone takes action now to drastically reduce the chances of catching or transmitting the virus.

The Business Today looks at the economic impact of the crisis calling for a unified European response, that protects businesses and jobs in equal measure. It also calls for the Central Bank to provide emergency loans to ensure businesses are saved a both big and small businesses need to be funded to survive the storm.

The Business Weekly expresses appreciation to our health authorities but is critical of the political approach, which took long to ban flights, first from Italy and eventually from the other worse-affected regions. This has led to a higher number of infections per capita and will cripple business. In this context, the Editor describes the support announced by Government as meagre.

The Malta Independent expresses its thankfulness to all heroes, the thousands of health professionals putting their lives at risks in this delicate situation. It also includes the police force, fire fighters, soldiers and wardens who are doing their bit to try to provide a semblance of normality in people’s lives, especially those with bigger disadvantages, such as the elderly. It thanks landlords that have reduced rents, those involved in catering as well as journalists and all involved in media who are doing a sterling job in such defining moment.

L-Orizzont and In-Nazzjon both link up with the above messages and express solidarity with Malta’s healthcare professionals. The GWU paper also reminds its readers on the daily risks being taken by people such as public transport and public cleansing workers.

The Opposition paper’s Editorial also focuses on the dire economic situation and refers to the Opposition’s proposals, which include a reduction in VAT and utility bills to alleviate the pressure on families and businesses.

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