Other countries did a ‘war’ budget, we got a mini-budget – Malta SME Chamber

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Malta SME Chamber said that the government once again shows clear signs that it is not understanding the dire situation businesses are in. The flashy figures announced yesterday evening, accompanied by the usual rhetoric, mean nothing and will not change one thing in the difficult decisions employers are taking and the sacrifices they and their employees are having to make.

The government does not need to reinvent the wheel. Other countries have prioritized to ‘keep business in business and workers in jobs’. In Malta, the government seems to have thrown in the towel and is shortsightedly catering more for unemployment than for helping businesses in keep their employees on. The harm of having so many thousands of people in unemployment will cost so much more in long-term socio and economic damage and benefits that will need to be paid, than the subsidies that are necessary now will.

Where layoffs can be avoided they must be avoided.

Government needs a reality check and to stop playing about with low impact measures. This is no time for a mini-budget. Other countries have described theirs as a war budget and Malta is no different. Government is looking in its breast pocket for funds when it should be digging deep in its pockets until it finds the necessary funds. The government has shown ample capability along the years to come up with millions and billions to finance different operations and projects that it thought fit. Not having the finance is not a credible answer. Now is the time to finance SMEs and their employees who have diligently paid their taxes and sustained the economy throughout.

Not once has the government called us in to really discussed with us as social partners. As a social partner that has been around for over 70 years, we have ample experience and know what will and will not work. In previous cases we used to be at the decision making table day and night until we found solutions that we could ourselves stand by when support measures were announced.

The Government needs to act fast and will be held responsible for the time wasted, ignorance of social dialogue functions and the harm done to Malta. Ill-thought and half-baked solutions are unacceptable.

Malta SME Chamber 

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