Poles support travel ban in case of war

Reading Time: 2 minutes

According to an an IBRiS poll conducted for private broadcaster Radio ZET, 54.4% of respondents agreed, with 20.9% strongly supporting the idea of preventing Polish draft-age men from leaving the country in case it was militarily attacked, Polish news agency PAP reported.

The survey highlights significant differences in opinion based on age and gender.

Most women (55%) oppose the ban whereas a substantial majority of men (73%) support it.

72% of Poles aged 18-29 are against implementing the restriction in the event of an armed conflict.

In the 30-39 age group, opposition rises to 79%.

However, attitudes shift with age: among those over 40, a strong majority favor the ban.

The highest support is found in the 60-69 age group, with 87% in favor.

Meanwhile, another recent poll has found that around half of Poles support returning draft-age Ukrainian men living in Poland to their country’s army.

Hundreds of thousands of military-age Ukrainian men are living abroad, while the country faces an acute shortage of troops to help it defend itself against Russia’s full-scale invasion.

The survey by the Institute of Market and Social Research (IBRiS) was conducted for Radio ZET on May 10-11, 2024, using the CATI method, on a nationwide sample of 1,071 people.

Via Polskie Radio

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