UK Conservative Party Plans Mandatory National Service for 18-Year-Olds

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced plans to reintroduce mandatory national service for 18-year-olds, offering them the choice between military placements or community service. The UK Conservative party has revealed its intention to reintroduce compulsory national service if they win the upcoming general election. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has emphasized that the initiative aims to foster a “national spirit” similar to that witnessed during the COVID pandemic. The proposed scheme, estimated to cost approximately £2.5 billion (€2.9bn), seeks to provide young people with valuable skills and work experience while uniting society in an increasingly uncertain world.

The programme would offer 30,000 full-time military positions, providing participants with experience in areas such as cyber security, logistics, procurement, and civil response operations. Those opting for community service would engage in 25 days of volunteering with organizations such as the fire service, police, and NHS.

However, a YouGov survey from September 2023 reveals mixed feelings among Britons about the scheme, with a majority showing opposition to compulsory, year-long military service.

The Conservative party argues that national service would help steer at-risk young people away from unemployment and crime, providing them with direction and purpose. They claim that the scheme could ignite a passion for future careers in healthcare, public service, charity, or the armed forces.

The £2.5 billion (€2.9bn) funding for the programme would come from reallocating £1.5bn (€1.75) from the UK’s Shared Prosperity Fund and raising an additional £1bn (€1.17) through a crackdown on tax avoidance and evasion.

As the Conservative Party prepares for the upcoming general election on 5 July, several European countries, including Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, already have forms of mandatory military service. The UK’s proposed national service programme aims to provide similar benefits while addressing domestic social issues through its dual focus on military and community service.

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